
Quick Note: Started this post 05/25/21, sadly since then nothing has happened to change my thoughts.

A strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. That is the definition of ambition but I think it is missing a word and that word is special. I think by adding that word it gives the definition more power, emotion and makes it more personal. What is special to you is not special to someone else but yet it is important to continue to achieve throughout your life. I have been thinking alot about that word as it pertains to my life and the life of Newcastle United Football Club. I have made a decision to leave my current firm that I have worked at for 20+ years to try to build something that I never thought I would have a chance to do in my professional career.

While my career was cruising along at my current firm my relationship with Newcastle United was starting to blossom and they have been going hand in hand for about the last 17 years. As the years have gone by my expectations have been steadily going down year by year for my career as well as my fandom. Kevin and my profession is Architecture. The Mr. Brady career, the one that everyone seems to think they can do because some movie’s main character was an architect or they think they are good at math. Kevin and I wish it was like that. Instead it has become a daily grind of unrealistic deadlines on a shoestring budget to make some developer more money so they screw you on the next project. Look at me bitching about my job. I am sure everybody out there can bitch about their job. Problem is that until recently my joy in having a career became a chore of having a job. Where am I going this? I don’t know but I just wanted to get that off my chest. Lately I have the same thoughts about being a fan of Newcastle. My joy of being a fan has turned into a chore of hoping that maybe today will be the day that I feel Ownership is looking out for the best interests of Newcastle and not their own pockets.

Fast forward, I am now writing this part on 08/05/21 and we are about 10 days away from the start of the EPL season. I have been working at my new firm for about 2 1/2 months and it has been great! Maybe things have turned around for my fandom…NOPE. In fact somehow it has gotten worse. How can that be? We are still the only team in the EPL to not sign a senior player, the mysterious takeover has been pushed until Spring of 2022 (Like it will ever happen) and somehow Jeff Hendrick is getting slotted in the striker position. Maybe Bruce has figured out the Park District strategy of placing your worst player up top so he can’t screw up anything. Yes, I did that with 8 year-olds so that they got playing time and weren’t embarrassed by giving up goals. So based on all the facts over the last four months has Newcastle shown ambition? Have they tried to put something special on the pitch? ASM is special and if we make it through this transfer period without losing him I would consider that special, but otherwise? Here’s to hoping for a good season absent of relegation fears and watching a team that puts everything toward a positive season. I will be rooting for them no matter what. Through the highs and lows hoping for something special and seeing at least the players on the pitch have the ambition to make this team something to be proud of.


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