Wake Me Up …

There are many ways to end this sentence I could have finished it with the classic WHAM! “Before you Go GO”, or I could have just written the tried and true “When it is Over” even the song “When September Ends” may work. You may ask why do I need to be woken up? The only answer I can give you is I am just SO TIRED of every possible player being linked to Newcastle. I actually think the second line of the refrain of the WHAM! song that goes “Don’t leave me Hanging Like a Yo-Yo” may be more apropos. It appears that every agent and team is linking our name to their players to try to jump the price or to try to start a bidding war. There are so many rumors that it is just become a tedious venture into the crazy and unrealistic. Don’t get me wrong, Gareth Bale? Yes Please, but come on!


Get off the Pot – Sven Botman, I hope we have moved on from this guy. He doesn’t want to come here so screw him. Let him go to AC Milan and sit and spin for while.

Get off the Pot 2 – Ekitike, would love him but this doesn’t look like it will happen. Let’s move on , he seems a bit frail anyways. I think we may dodge a bullet if he doesn’t come here.

Agent /Team Fodder For Clicks – Where do I start , Let’s start here and let the diarrhea start . Christian Ericksen, Gareth Bale, Romelu Lukaku, Calvert Lewin, Alex Witsel, Boubacar Camara, Memphis Depay, Moussa Diaby, Ruben Nieves, Adrien Rabiot, Jesse Lingard aand so much more!

I can’t even list the players that we are “Leading the Race” for and then the good old “Player has been offered”. Which is generally a Top 6 team player and usually not a started so of course we would be interested in such as Eric Bailly, Jesse Lingard or a Dean Henderson swap.

I really shouldn’t complain, this comes with the territory, right? We are Mr. Money Bags and we can afford anyone if we want. I have begun to train myself to ignore all the news and just wait for the photo at St. James Park of our new signing. It is too easy to get distracted with all the madness and shiny things. The Newcastle team is ignoring the shiny things and appear to have a plan in place. Just look at the Bruno signing which was kept under wraps. I can’t wait to see what they come up with and see it blossom and just watch the results.

HWTL and enjoy the Summer!

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