Time of contentment

As you can probably guess by the number of entries Kevin and I have written this year that this little endeavor has suffered from from lack of attention. I wonder why that happened? My love for Newcastle has not diminished. Nothing has happened in my life that has taken over the time I would have spent writing. Is it that I don’t have much to bitch about concerning the Magpies of the northeast. Has Eddie Howe weaved a spell over me that has just allowed me to go about life with one less thing to concern myself with? That’s it. Damn Eddie Howe! How can he just take away years of anger and disappointment for me to complain about. Why did you turn Kevin into a ray of possibility and not the dour old slug of pessimism. Heck, he has left me for another medium, that new fangled Podcast thingamajig. I need to complain about something. By the way the Podcast is “A Mischief of the Magpies”. Check it Out, it is pretty good for two Americans talking about football.

Wor Flags Flying !!

The year has continued to shine brightly. Although we have fallen off our torrid pace in the Premier League an have fallen out of the Top 4 I find it hard to find criticism in our team. Yes, it would have been nice to have changed a few of those draws to wins with a bit more cutting edge in front of the opposing goal. And there have been a few cracks in our defense of late, but again we were on a hell of a streak with clean sheets. Falling to the mean was bound to happen. We lost the Carabao Cup to Manchester United and sandwiched that with 2-0 losses to Liverpool (Who look like the light switch turned on and are scary good) and Man City. Through all of that I am content in knowing after watching all of those games that this team does not backdown and plays good football. That is all I ask for and that is what they are giving me. I am happy and content.

I think that there were a few things that resulted in us dropping to 6th in the table. The first thing is for as great as being in the Carabao Cup final was I think that the thought of playing at Wembley hovered over the club and affected their game. Follow that up with losing Bruno (God, is he good) for three matches against beatable teams, losing Pope for the Cup, the tragic news of Christian Atsu, and include games against Liverpool and Man City you can understand the results. I am disappointed with the results but not angry. Now, let’s talk about the Carabao Cup! I loved it! (I hate Man U with a passion I used to reserve for only the GD Yankees) It was the first time in quite a while where I paced and watched the game like I was little kid. I was so stoked for the game and just got even more excited after seeing the videos posted of the Toon Army invading Trafalgar Square. At that moment I realized I should have done something to go to England. Never been, but this seemed like the way to go. I also had plans to go to the bar where the Chicago Toon Army watch the games but that was all for naught when they plastered the over 21 requirement. You see, this was a game that I wanted to watch with my two boys, although they are 17 (Everton) and 19 (Arsenal) fans. I screamed at my TV and texted my thoughts throughout the game. (That first goal was offsides and nobody will convince me different) It was great, I never thought we were out of the game and just soaked it in. It was great when Eddie Howe brought on substitutions that just said “Fuck It” we are going to win this game 3-2 or lose it 0-6. Didn’t happen but I love the thought. In the end we lost we a score line that didn’t represent the game but I was ok. We played a final for the first time since I became a fan, we showed up and played well and didn’t get the result. I used to let losses ruin the remainder of my day but lately that doesn’t happen. I hope it never happens, I hope that I remember the shitty times when we continue to improve and get trophies and become Champions so that I don’t become like a stinking Man U fan or any Top 6 fan and expect it and cry when my team is fucking 4th. Fucking 4th? Try getting relegated a few times, it may help you become a better fan. It has me.

Howay the Lads!!


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